Saturday, February 9, 2008

Anthony's first political experience

Anthony joined us on our first political caucus. I'm not going to say which way we went, but if you know Larry, you'll probably know which party we decided to look at.

Anyway, he hated it. There wasn't much to do, there were a lot of smelly people there who didn't want to play with him, and they only had cookies to eat. Shockingly, he had to keep himself entertained while we learned about how the system worked. All in all, it was a pretty interesting experience and if he ever turns into a politician, we'll know why.

He enjoyed a great nap after the event.

More pictures soon, I promise!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Anthony, Gramma was driving down the street with Socks and Max and a boy like you started racing on foot after us. We were on a big road and eventhough he was not you he was your age and I did not want him to get hit. Promise me you won't go into the road; that you will listen to Mommy and Daddy.
