Saturday, June 19, 2010

Anthony's new camera

It was $2 find at the thrift store. We inherited about 7 rolls of expired film from a friend of ours. I figured there would be no harm letting him shoot his little heart out on it.

This was his first portrait of someone he didn't know. I don't know her name but she works at the Costco photo lab and she offered to pose with his beloved (and well-traveled) dog, Bolero.

We'll update this as he gets better with his photos. :)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Anthony picked up the most entertaining toy from the little hardware store down the street. It's called a "Bubble Gun", which when you say it, sounds so similar to bubble gum, that I keep messing up and saying that instead.

Anyway, we put some batteries in it and had a blast in the backyard with it today. We've had a very unseasonably cold and wet spring (yes, we know we live in Seattle but even we need a break from the cold and rain some of the time) and had a couple of hours of sunshine and warmth this afternoon.